Newest Book ...

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Writing Colonies XLII: SITREP - Phase II editing done, release date announcement soon, and an IMPORTANT request


So I've finished two read-throughs, editing as I went.  Largely for spelling, word choices, clarity, tone, etc.  Next, I'll be printing out the books and reading them, marking errors and such with a red ink pen.  Good ol' fashioned editing, that is.  (With about 2,100 pages, I fear for how much that'll cost me in toner.  If you'd like to make a donation, here's my tipjar.)

In other news, I think I've settled on a release date for Volume One and a schedule for the remainder.  Assuming my editing continues at the same rate, it should work out, but I'm not going to reveal it just yet.  Maybe I'll post it next week as a Christmas present, of sorts.

Lastly, over the last couple of years, I've sent out PDFs of various parts of Colonies to winners of contests and so on.  If you were a recipient, PLEASE email me at to let me know what you think, any detailed criticism you might have, suggestions for clarity, whatever.  I'd like to incorporate any good suggestions into the books before publishing.

Thanks for reading.

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