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Monday, April 4, 2022

"Colonies of Kobol - Volume Two": DOWNLOAD NOW!


Before the Cylons rebelled and the Battlestar Galactica led a ragtag fleet to Earth, two empires warred for control of the Twelve Colonies.

In Colonies of Kobol - Volume Two, you'll visit eight worlds.  In Virgon, the Blue Colony is racked with civil war.  In Sagittaron, witness the exploitation of that planet and its people.  In Canceron, democracy is founded and then wounded with greed.  In Aerilon, a wild frontier must be crossed to stop a rebel.  In Picon, there are battles on land, on the sea, in the air, and in space.  In Libran, the Empires' vassals try to unite in peace.  In Scorpia, Leonis' last colony stakes their claim on the future.  And in Aquaria, a small band must survive the elements and the Cylon attack.

Fans of Battlestar Galactica, Caprica, and Lords of Kobol can't miss the second volume in a trilogy detailing the history of all the Colonies of Kobol.

There is a Plan and questions will be answered.

Available for FREE:

Download from Smashwords HERE (in all file formats, including Kindle)
Download from Apple HERE
Download from Barnes & Noble HERE
Download from Kobo HERE
Download from Scribd HERE

PLEASE, rate and review where you got it!

Thank you and enjoy.

(Get Volume One HERE)