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Monday, June 28, 2021

Writing Colonies XXXIV: SITREP - "Aquaria" is Finished (as is Volume Two)

Handy-dandy graphic:

Wow.  Look at that.  Last year when I first started doing these SITREPs, here's what the graphic looked like:

Crazy how much writing you can get done when you lose your job, huh?

So, Aquaria is finished and it went to some crazy places.  Yes, you saw in the last post that it includes a glimpse of the Colonial holocaust but I'm here to tell you it gets far crazier than that.  I won't spoil anything, however.  

Here's a map of Aquaria, though:

Pretty simple because it's a frigid, desolate place.

Now, to remind everyone of the "Volume" structure of these books, here's this handy-dandy graphic (ignore the incorrect switched Picon/Libran positions):

With Aquaria being complete, so is Volume Two.  Huzzah.  It was a long road, getting from there to here.  Empires, violent settlements/colonizations, battles, politics, ... it could've gotten repetitious and boring, but I switched styles and genres a few times to keep things interesting.  I think I succeeded and I hope you'll agree.

For those keeping track, Book Eleven was 71 pages.  That makes this first draft of Volume Two 721 pages long.  Volume One is 429 pages; Three (plus whatever Tauron ends up being) is 853 pages.  My prediction was true.  It looks like the final version will be a 2,000 page monstrosity.  Coupled with the 1,095 pages of Lords of Kobol, I think 3,000 pages is a nice round number for a universe of tales.

Now it's on to the first book of Volume Three, Tauron.  I currently have two parts planned: the first will take place about 850 years before Galactica as the beleaguered people manage to kick the Empires off their world (temporarily) and the second will take place about eighty years before BSG (about thirty before Caprica) and follow the rise of the Ha'la'tha as the resistance against an oppressive regime propped up by Caprica.  Aquaria took three weeks to write, compared to the two weeks each for Libran and Scorpia.  How long will Tauron take?  I dunno, but I'll keep you in the loop.  

Thanks for reading.

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