Newest Book ...

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Writing Colonies XXXII: "Scorpia" is finished; on to "Aquaria"


Man, it's weird seeing how full that is.

Scorpia is done.  It was rather fun to write, and I won't spoil too much, but there is plenty of talk about their orbital facility as well as the creation of a certain sport.  Oh, and here's a map of Scorpia, too: 

Click to embiggen

It ended up being the same length as Libran somehow (47 pages), even though it feels like more happens in Scorpia.  Whatever.  I'm not gonna cram more story in there if it feels good where it is.  After all, Volume Two is already well over 600 pages long.

Speaking of, Book Eleven: Aquaria will finish Volume Two.  You might think this will be another "novella" of about fifty pages like Libran and Scorpia and ... you might be right.  I won't know 'til it's done, but I have something surprising in store for this one.  I'll just have to start typing and see where it goes.  (And why "Aquaria" instead of "Aquarion?"  In the story, I've made "Aquarion" the older name, used primarily by Virgon as they claimed it and started to "kobolform" it.  This project was abandoned a century or so before the start of my story and the inhabitants are keen to move away from the trappings of their one-time imperial overlords.)

Bigger picture stuff:  I finished both Libran and Scorpia in just two weeks each.  Let's pretend Aquaria takes three or four weeks and Tauron takes a full month, maybe a little more.  That could mean the writing portion of Colonies of Kobol will be complete before my self-imposed deadline of fall 2021, the tenth anniversary of the release of Lords of Kobol.  Naturally, just because I've finished writing it doesn't mean it's ready for release.  Still ... that's a mighty big hurdle, wouldn't you say?

Thanks for reading.


  1. Well, I did not expect that one day I would see these French cities figure on a BSG map ! Great map by the way, and greetings from France !

    1. A side benefit from having Scorpia ruled by Leonis (stand-ins for the French).

      Thanks for reading!
