Newest Book ...

Monday, May 30, 2022

Writing Colonies XLVI: How to Read Volume Three

One week away ...

Hard to believe it's almost over, but here we are.  

On June 6 at about noon ET, I will publish the book to Smashwords.  Links to that will then be posted here on my blog and on my webpage.  (A few days afterward, it will filter out to Apple, B&N, and other sites, so the blog and webpage will be updated with those links at that time.)

As for the story itself, there are a few different date conventions to note, but nothing that will prove to be an obstacle.  Each one changes with the perspective of the world of focus, as well as the characters in it.  The first is the now ubiquitous "X Years After Colonization," giving what year the events take place (e.g., the Cylon War begins in 1948).  During the Cylon War portion, time is marked in days (and we know that the armistice was signed on day 4,571 thanks to Razor).  Book Fourteen: The Colony follows the Final Five and thus starts with "X Years After the Holocaust," which was the dating convention used in Book One: Earth, and becomes "X Years Before the Fall of the Colonies" when they arrive in the Cyrannus System.  Book Fifteen: New Caprica uses "X Days After Settlement" as that was frequently used in those BSG episodes and naturally refers to when the Colonials first settled that world.  Book Sixteen: Earth  uses "X Years After the Fall of the Colonies" for several chapters.  Also, the "interviews" with the Messengers continue using the "Unknown Years Before Activation," but in Book Sixteen, during the chapters set in our own future, you will see "X Months Before Activation," for example.  The "Activation" the Messengers had been preparing and interviewing for occurs at the end of that book.

Plus, some of you have asked that I include a chronological reading/viewing guide for all of my books, all of the shows, etc.  It will be at the end of Volume Three.  It's not easy, but I've crafted a list that hopefully minimizes too much bouncing around.  However, it is highly recommended that you have read and watched everything at least once before undertaking that chronological challenge.

Let's look at that handy-dandy graphic now ...

Glorious.  Volume Three is now LOCKED and I am working on the table of contents.

And this next pic, I guess, is the last of the handy-dandy graphics.

Thanks for reading.


  1. >the "interviews" with the Messengers continue using the "Unknown Years Before Activation

    Oh, hell yes. This whole series so good (with what's been released, anyway). I'm willing to bet the rest will be even more amazing-er.
