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Monday, February 7, 2022

"Colonies of Kobol - Volume One": DOWNLOAD NOW!


Two thousand years before the Cylons destroyed the Twelve Colonies and the Battlestar Galactica led a ragtag fleet to Earth, the Lords of Kobol fell and mankind fled for the Colonies.

In Colonies of Kobol, you will learn what happened next.  In Earth, you will behold the end of that world and the flight of the Final Five.  In Gemenon, you will see Kobol's exiles make landfall, as well as strife between believers in the Pantheon and believers in The One True God.  In Leonis, you will witness the beginning of a thousand-year war between that world and their enemy, Virgon.

Fans of Battlestar Galactica, Caprica, and Lords of Kobol can't miss the first volume in a trilogy detailing the history of all the Colonies of Kobol.

There is a Plan and questions will be answered.


"Having already read Lords of Kobol, I’d been anticipating this series since it was first announced, and downloaded it from Smashwords the day it was released. WELL. It was everything I’d hoped for, and more. Edward T. Yeatts certainly knows his source material, and he tells an amazing story with that knowledge. The next book cannot come fast enough for this reader. 10/10." -- Dee

Available for FREE:

Download from Smashwords HERE (in all file formats, including Kindle)
Download from iTunes HERE
Download from Barnes & Noble HERE
Download from Kobo HERE
Download from Scribd HERE

PLEASE, rate and review where you got it!  

Thank you and enjoy.


  1. Hi Mr.Yeatts,
    After 5 long years, the series my digital reading app has been waiting for. Just finishing up a book then will be diving in.

    Just curious, I see how you design all these awesome maps and graphics. Are you a fan of the various scifi technical manuals and such?
    I was hooked from when I was a kid. I think I was around 7 or so when I was in the local Waldenbooks I would go visit when my grandma was grocery shopping down the other end of the plaza. This was the 70s kids were a lot tougher and less sheltered so waking to the other side of the strip mall was nothing.
    Anyhow one Saturday morning as I came to the scifi section,I saw the amazing Starfleet Technical manual by Franz Joseph. I was hooked. There was another Star Trek history of spaceflight and Starfleet, various Starlog special editions, then eventually all the Star Trek technical journals and Star Wars guides. Aliens,and many other franchises. I had a Planet of the Apes book that delved into the astronauts backstories, Apes stories but I loaned it to someone and never saw it again. POTA had a really cool 6 issue comic series back in the 2000s from Realm I think the publisher was. Dealt with the time around and after conquest if I remember. All great stuff.
    I had the map of the Cyrannus system but it was lost in a move. That was a really nice quality piece of art I enjoyed very much.

    I would wager that you are a fan of these publications too. If so do you have any favorites?

    1. Your suspicions are correct. I, too, was reared on the Franz Josephs technical manual and blueprints. Then, the TNG Technical Manual from Mike Okuda and Rick Sternbach and their DS9 follow-up. In between, there were all manner of blueprints, FASA manuals, Star Trek magazines, and a whole bunch more. I used to create my own starships by tracing parts from the Franz Josephs book and from this TNG FASA manual:
