If I was driving, if I was in the shower, if I'm daydreaming, whatever. I thought about the show quite a bit. Unlike many fans, I felt very satisfied by the ending and the various resolutions. Many questions were left unanswered but I wasn't expecting them to be tied up with a pretty bow for me. Even Starbuck** and what she was. Didn't bother me.
Because of my love for mythology, I was often drawn to the stuff left rather untouched since the first episodes of season two: Kobol. I thought about the Lords of Kobol pretty much all the time in those spare moments in August. I pondered scenario after scenario detailing who or what the Lords could be, why certain people did certain things, why a certain tribe left, and so on. Over time, I had half a story bouncing around in my head. Eventually, I came to the realization that I might be able to write a book about it.
Now, I had written things before. Nothing I felt confident enough about to send off to publishers, but still ... I had written whole books before. But to do a BSG novel? It seemed daunting.
September came and the wife and I were at Dragon*Con in Atlanta. She brought along her crappy little HP Netbook
Next time, I'll go over some of the (non-spoilery) details of those initial files and maybe some of the info about Kobol we know from the show.
** - Starbuck was Jesus. Died, resurrected and then ascended. That sound was your mind blowing.
Wow! So the questions I had asked in my posting in your Facebook Kobol page are now answered. lol I once felt a certain inspiration to write a Star Trek: Next Generation script, but I did not get further than a rough outline in my head. Glad that you decided to write about your ideas and the questions you wanted answered, because I want to know more about Kobol and what happened there to cause the Tribes to leave their home.
ReplyDeleteDragonCon is so great! I went twice, and I glad that I did, really enjoyed it.
Looking forward to reading more of this blog.