The Science of Battlestar Galactica is a fun and easy read, especially if you like scientific concepts. Find out about solar systems that inspired what we saw in the show, tidbits they let slide despite scientific inaccuracy and much more. Plus, co-author Kevin Grazier is really cool and even answered a couple questions of mine in person.
Beyond Caprica: A Visitor's Pocket Guide to the Twelve Colonies is a small thing but it's rare and very interesting. Lots of details they never actually used on the show. Did I mention it's rare?
These official companions contain lots of "duh" information but they also have some good bits, too. I'd be remiss if I didn't include them.
This was the textbook for my college mythology class back in the day. The one linked above is the newest edition. Usually, I sold all of my textbooks after classes were done to recoup some of that ridiculous cash I dropped, but I kept this one.
This (and Book II) was my textbook for ancient Greek in college. Yes, I took Greek. And Hebrew. What of it?
Next time I do one of these "Literary Help" posts, I'll tackle the websites that helped. There were a few. (By "few," I mean "a bunch.")
I would have to day that those were all good references.