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Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Writing 'Colonies' Part XVIII: Why I'm Writing So Much and Donations

I just typed "END OF BOOK FIVE" as I wrapped up Sagittaron. It's not terribly long (about 100 pages), but it is now part of some 600 pages I've written in the last seven months.  (Both Virgon and Sagittaron took only one month each.)

I mean ... that's a lot.  The entire Lords of Kobol trilogy (not including Prelude) is about 670 pages and that took me two whole years.  So what's going on?  Why am I cranking out pages so quickly?

Let's just say I have a lot of free time on my hands.  (Code for "I lost my job.")

It happened in mid-February, and then my job hunt was curtailed by a certain global pandemic you may have heard about.  I'm sure you can Google it or something.  Regardless, the job hunt is (still) underway, but I'm also still writing.

In a sick, potentially ironic kind of way, I had wanted to somehow carve out more time in the day so I could write Colonies of Kobol, knowing that I had said I wanted to release it in 2021, but also knowing that it still required a lot of work.  Yeah ...

Time enough at last.

Now, that brings me to something else.  

Years ago when I first published Lords of Kobol, people marveled at the price.  They are free, after all.  "Why are they free?"  Short answer: I don't wanna get sued.  In response, some people asked, "Can I send you some money?" and I said, "Nah.  Just buy my other books when they come out."

Well, by all means, that option remains:

Scifi, horror, thriller, sexy stuff, etc.

Please, buy something and read it.  If you like it, rate & review it where you got it.  That's a big help.

Given my current status and the unlikelihood that Colonies of Kobol is going to pay the bills (I still don't wanna get sued), I've had a change of heart on the "direct donation" route.  After all, it'd be nice to contribute to the household and not just be a drain.

So, you'll note the "Tipjar" with the pic of cubits at the top right of the blog page.  (I also have links on my Twitter and Facebook profiles.)  Clicking on that pic takes you to  It's a quick and easy way to throw me a monetary bone, if you so desire.  (And if you do, drop me a line at so I know.)

That's it.  I'm not going to beg or anything; I just wanted to put it out there and make sure people knew.

I'm currently outlining Book Six: Canceron so there will be a SITREP post coming in a few days.

Thanks for reading.

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