Newest Book ...

Thursday, October 1, 2015

"8 Days": Inspiration

8 Days is my upcoming near-apocalyptic novel.  "Near-apocalyptic"?  Yes.  An asteroid is eight days away from hitting the Earth, people go nuts, and, oops, it misses.  The rest of the book is dealing with people's decisions during that time.

Where did I get the idea?  Oddly enough, a podcast.

Are you familiar with Impractical Jokers on TruTV?  What about the podcast Tell 'Em Steve-Dave?  A fixture on both is Brian Quinn.  His friend (and fellow Impractical Joker) is Sal Vulcano.  Brian and Sal have a podcast of their own, What Say You?

Click to visit

It's a lot of fun.  Anyway, at the beginning of episode 43, they started talking about the apocalypse and what they and other people might do with their limited time left on Earth.  At one point, Q talks about trying hard drugs, and Sal says, "What if you then get addicted to it, the most addictive thing in the world, ..."  And he paused just long enough for my mind to finish his sentence in my head: "And the asteroid misses."  That's not how Sal finished it, but my imagination took the hell off.

In fact, I don't remember too much else about that episode because I was thinking of all kinds of end-of-the world scenarios.  I thought about it all day and, when I got home, wrote some notes down to form a basic outline of a story.

Thus, 8 Days.

The good news is that I'm just about done.  A couple of chapters to finish, some minor restructuring, and then the editing process.  I aim to have it released by the end of the month.

More news and background coming soon.  Thanks.

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